Vortragsreihe Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte

The Long Way to Gender Inequality: Gender Pay Differences in Germany,

Theresa Neef (DIW Berlin)

Was? Vortrag zur Entwicklung des Lohnverhältnisses zwischen Frauen und Männern in Deutschland seit 1871
Wann? 05.02.2025, 18:00-20:15 Uhr
Wo? Raum PT 1.06

This paper provides the first time series of the gender pay ratio in Germany since 1871, comparing developments with Sweden and the U.S. Despite slow progress during the industrialization period,the early 20th century saw significant leaps. Germany’s pay ratio climbed from 47% in 1913 to58% in 1937, paralleling increases in Sweden and the U.S. Improved female education and the expanding white-collar sector contributed to pay convergence. However, Germany’s focus on vocational training slowed women’s educational advancement compared to the U.S. Women transitioning from low-paid agricultural to higher-paid white-collar jobs primarily drove the gender pay ratio increase in Germany. The postwar period exhibited diverging trends due to different economic conditions and policies in Germany, Sweden, and the U.S.

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